Singles Out Loud

Monday, March 12, 2007

Where to Wait for Mr. Right

Location. Location. Location. Like Dr. Phil says .... hang out at target-rich environments. Well, ladies, this weekend I was a witness to this principle unfold in living color.

I was waiting for my order at a restaurant in Malibu when all of a sudden I noticed about a half-dozen people clicking away their cameras with very long noses. They were all aiming in the same direction, toward a tall guy removing his jacket while standing next to a sports car. At first, I thought they were a bunch of over-zealous tourists. Believe it or not, they were paparazzi shooting at James Bond! No kidding. Well, ok, it was the actor Pierce Brosnan who played James Bond. Looking statuesque, elegant and debonair, he stood by his fancy car waiting for his full-figured female companion. No, it wasn't me.

No sooner had James Bond escaped in his sports car, when the gang of long nosed-cameras began to chase after another guy. This time, it was heavy-weight champion Mike Tyson. Who is next? I thought. OK, I confess that I secretly wished Keanu Reeves would have stopped by and then we would have sped away in his motorcycle down Pacific Coast Highway into the sunset.

I couldn't help myself but I, too, decided to stick my nose into the mix and asked one of the paparazzi how he had known that this parade of stars was going to be here at this time. He said that he had been there since early morning just waiting without anything happening. It wasn't until now (about 6 p.m.) that they had spotted celebs. This persevering and patient paparazzi had found a target-rich environment for his target.

Maybe Dr. Phil was right all along. OK...I'll start praying about finding my target-rich environment too. I may have to return to Malibu.....Stay tuned!

By the way, next week, Singles Out Loud will host three couples who crossed the bridge from single hood to matrimony. They will share their stories about single hood and how they met their mates.


Myrna at 9:00 PM


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