The Singlehood Phenomenon
Here I was, faced with the burning question that plagues countless of single Christian women - especially those over 35 years of age. I'll confess that I avoided answering her until she pushed it out of me after the 20th "why, why, why."
”Could it be that you're not ready?” I asked cautiously. "What do you mean?" she asked.
"Well, maybe there are some areas in your life that God wants to heal in you first," I said. She quickly fired away at my solicited rationale with examples of dysfunctional individuals who had already found their mate. She seemed confident that couldn’t be the reason.
Despite my unacceptable answer, she insisted I tell her why God hadn't sent her a husband at this late stage in her life. Up against a wall, I gave another reply, "Maybe you can find some fun things to do to while you wait. This would allow you to bring so much more into a relationship." I answered feebly. "Guys like women who exude confidence."
Like a bad streak on a game show, I could almost hear the anticipated buzzard go off. Nope, wrong answer! She didn't buy that reason either. I obviously didn’t have the answer she was looking for. Well, I don’t know if she ever found her answer because I never heard from her again.
I'm certainly not an expert and don't have the answers, but in their book "The Singlehood Phenomenon" doctors Beverly and Tom Rodgers tackle some of the possible reasons why this country has the oldest and largest singles population in history.
While I haven't read the book yet, here are the 10 reasons they give:
1. Skepticism about Love and Marriage
( I'd rather be alone than in a bad marriage)
2. Lack of Faith in God's Provision
(I'm not sure if I have a soul mate)
3. Unresolved Issues From the Past
(I always seem to attract unhealthy people)
4. Confusion About the Rules
(I don't even know how to date)
5. A Poor Understanding of the Purpose of Marriage
(I think being single may be an easier way to live)
6. Fear of Getting Hurt
(I don't want to get hurt again)
7. Wanting the Perfect Mate
(I'm not a perfectionist; I'm just picky)
8. Not Dealing with Prior Heartbreak
(I don't want to feel the pain)
9. An Unbalanced Emphasis on Career
(I want to get established before I get married)
10.Concern that My Marriage Will Fail
(I don't want to get divorced)
Like I said, I haven't read the book, but I can already identify with some of these! Maybe I should go buy the book.